Memories of my favorite Uncle over the years

Created by william 2 months ago
I remember with great fondness “my uncle Derrick”, the first memory of whom I have from about five years old (I am guessing?) at “Grampy Leicester’s” funeral (Joan and David’s dad. (Joan’s little brother)).  I remember the tall and commanding figure that paradoxically was incredibly warm and soft.
My next memory was at a campsite in Torbay, Paignton I think, where the whole family had driven down in their Austin Maxi for a week or so in the “English Riviera”.
Then, when I was in my teenage years, we had moved to the Thames Valley, and we got to see Auntie Joan and Uncle Derrick a bit more often and by this time Andy, Anita and Debbie had flown the coop, but I still remember it was special to see the whole family – because they are a complete family and always have been.  I imagine it is the love from Joan and Derrick that kept their adult children close to home, and then the grand kids and great grand kids all felt this warmth too I am sure.
Stories from the golf course and fly-fishing adventures, not to mention the wood working and fly-tying, or tales of various holiday adventures to Canada, and “down-under”were always told with that wry smile and a glint in his eyes.
You had an amazing life and brought much joy to many people, not to mention, as an educator I am sure the people that you taught all went on in life with something special.  Rest in peace Uncle Derrick, with love and great memories William, Eva, Ella and Zoe (Clark) xoxoxox